Friday, September 07, 2007

Rock Chef - the Alter-ego

As I settle in to regular cycling again, following a relatively lazy summer, my mind has started to wander again, as it tends to do during a good ride. Inspired by a few other blogs and comments, I have put more thought into who and what Rock Chef could be...

By day, he is a celebrity chef, hosting a regular TV show called, amazingly, The Rock Chef. Each show features a guest from the world of rock music, and consists of a mix of great food, fun, and rock music. Episodes include:

  • Blaze of Glory, featuring Jon Bon Jovi and how to barbeque.

  • Trampled Underfoot, featuring Led Zeppelin and traditional wine making methods.

  • Let there be Wok, featuring AC/DC and oriental stir-frying.

  • Jump, featuring David Lee Roth and the food of love (or whatever).

In true TV fashion, the climax of the show is putting together the finished meal for the guests to eat, with a ticking clock and a chorus of The Final Countdown...

Note that special care is taken to keep those who have lived the rock and roll lifestyle to the full, e.g. Ozzy Osbourne, away from naked flames and sharp knives.

Naturally, the Chef's rugged good looks, charming personality and awesome musicianship combine to make the show compulsory viewing for millions around the world.

By night, Rock Chef is a crime fighting superhero, chasing villains on his customised Domino's Pizza delivery bike, and overpowering them with his special form of martial arts, using sharpened spatulas. The Rock Chef denies any connection with a recent spate of drug dealers who have choked to death on Domino's Pizza. This is just a fortunate coincidence.


Logzie said... that was good! And written VERY well I might add! Who knows...maybe someday it will happen!

Terri said...

You forgot "Roadkill delicacies with 38 Special."

I LOVED, absolutely LOVED this post. So you can add "talented imagination" to your list of attributes, none of which I am arguing with.

Princess of the Universe said...

Please tell me which day the Bon Jovi episode will air so I can set my VCR.
Thank you.

James said...

That really is a very good idea for a TV show. Any ideas what to cook up for Roger Daltrey, Suzi Quattro or Mick Jagger just off the top of your head?

Also when in Superhero mode do you wear your underpants over the top of your trousers in true super hero fashion?

krista said...

JOHN! When does the show start! I really want to watch! This is such an awesome idea!

Now on the crime fighting...I'm in. My alter-ego is actually 50-50. 50% good, 50% evil. So I can be an evil villian with Ali and Zig and a Crime Fighter with you! I'd better learn how to fly though. I'll start practicing now. Wish me luck!

Chris said...

Every time I hear "Jump" by VH, I think of the old days of the Winnipeg Jets doing their pre-game warm up.

Good memories of a good song.

Rock Chef said...

Logzie - glad you liked it,and maybe some day...

Terri - Must add that one to the schedule! You are too kind.

Princess - do not record it - why not buy the DVD collection complete with out-takes and bloopers, including the un-bleeped Ozzie episode when he did not like what I made?

James - Roger Daltry - 101 things to do with Baked Beans? Suzi Quatro, Can the Can - food for students? Mick Jagger - Brown Sugar, the art of caramelizing?

Krista - You are a hero AND a villain? OK, how can I turn you down as a side-kick?

Chris - did not really like that song until I saw them do it live - the sudden switch to synths was an amazing contrast to the rest of the set. David Lee Roth is of course the ultimate front man.